January 31, 2024

#BellaBeautyAwards 2023/24 :DIOR Forever Skin Glow「锁妆粉底液」上妆同时保养,24小时拥有自然无瑕水光肌妆效!

#BellaBeautyAwards 2023/24 :DIOR Forever Skin Glow「锁妆粉底液」上妆同时保养,24小时拥有自然无瑕水光肌妆效!

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采用双向锁妆概念及86%锁水配方打造,Dior新一代Forever Skin Glow 24H Hydrating Radiant Foundation可谓是水光妆感爱好者的福音。这款粉底液主打对内亲肤贴合,对外持妆锁色,轻抹间就能打造24小时超长持妆的自然水光感妆效,即使干肌也能拥有不拔干、不卡粉、不暗沉「3不」理想妆感 。


#CittaBellaBeautyAwards #BeautyHeroesofTheYear #BBA #CittaBellaMalaysia #CittaBellaBeauty

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